Challenges Faced by Indie Devs
Are you considering joining the indie game development industry? If so, you might wonder what to expect and how to best prepare for your journey. According to VG Insights, nearly 6000 indie games were released on Steam in the first half of 2022. But only 20% of those titles made over $5,000 in revenue. So […]
Game Development in the UAE
Game Development in the United Arab Emirates The United Arab Emirates has emerged as a global gaming hub in recent years. It has attracted investments from companies such as Ubisoft, Disney, and Electronic Arts. But there are challenges that developers face in the UAE such as the high cost of living, lack of incentives for […]
6 Game Development Trends for 2023
The gaming market is huge, and it’s growing rapidly. That was proven by Newzoo’s global games market report, which predicts that 3.2 billion people will play video games in 2022. In 2023 and beyond, both gamers and developers will have exciting new trends and technologies to look forward to. So read on if you want […]